Contributed Talk

Fix_Abrasion: Plastic wear of arbitrarily shaped surfaces and particles in LAMMPS

Haydn Rogan
The University of Edinburgh
  • TBA
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The bulk dynamics of granular systems are significantly affected by the shape of the constituent particles. [1][2][3] As an added, but necessary, complication, particle shape can change over time through the process of abrasion. [4] However, the current LAMMPS implementation does not allow for abrasion to be captured. This represents a major shortcoming, and area of interest, as in reality all granular particles abrade and change shape to some extent. [5] Hence, this current research proposes to implement abradable non-spherical particles into LAMMPS through a new fix abrasion. Here, particle topologies are represented using the existing LAMMPS data structures - vertices by discrete spherical atoms, edges by bonds, and facets by angles. To model the abrasion, atoms are displaced normally to the particle’s surface, when subject to a force exceeding a material yield criterion, altering its shape and reducing its volume. [6] In this presentation, the current implementation is summarised and preliminary results are presented for a single non-spherical particle abraded isotropically by thousands of impacting spherical grains.

References 1. [1]  H. Tao, B. Jin, W. Zhong, X. Wang, B. Ren, Y. Zhang, and R. Xiao, “Discrete element method model- ing of non-spherical granular flow in rectangular hopper,” Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, vol. 49, pp. 151–158, Feb. 2010. 2. [2]  G. Lu, J. R. Third, and C. R. Mu ̈ller, “Discrete element models for non-spherical particle systems: From theoretical developments to applications,” Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 127, pp. 425–465, May 2015. 3. [3]  M. K. Saeed and M. S. Siraj, “Mixing study of non-spherical particles using DEM,” Powder Technology, vol. 344, pp. 617–627, Feb. 2019. 4. [4]  T. Szab ́o, G. Domokos, J. P. Grotzinger, and D. J. Jerolmack, “Reconstructing the transport history of pebbles on Mars,” Nature Communications, vol. 6, p. 8366, Oct. 2015. Number: 1 Publisher: Nature Publishing Group. 5. [5]  T. Weinhart, J. Lechman, and T. P ̈oschel, “Fragmentation and abrasion in granular matter systems,” Computational Particle Mechanics, vol. 8, pp. 1003–1004, Nov. 2021. 6. [6]  R. Capozza and K. J. Hanley, “A comprehensive model of plastic wear based on the discrete element method,” Powder Technology, vol. 410, p. 117864, Sept. 2022.