Contributed Talk

REACTER 2.0: Advanced Reaction Constraints and Automated Interaction Typing

Jacob R. Gissinger
NASA Langley Research Center
Kristopher E. Wise
NASA Langley Research Center
  • Thursday, 12 Aug 2021
  • 13:45 - 14:00 EDT
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REACTER is a heuristic method for modeling chemical reactions in classical molecular dynamics simulations, implemented in LAMMPS as fix bond/react. The authors recently extended LAMMPS to support alphanumeric labels for atom types, bond types etc., which enables the pre- and post-reaction templates required by the REACTER protocol to be portable between different simulations and greatly simplifies the task of creating simulation-ready reaction templates. To further increase the generality of reaction templates, support for wildcard characters within atom types has been added, along with the automatic assignment of interaction types for new bonds, angles, etc. based on the involved atom types. In some cases, this feature can express a class of reactions with one pair of reaction templates, where previously dozens may have been required. Several advanced reaction constraints have also been added, including an Arrhenius constraint to enforce an effective activation energy, a root-mean-square-deviation option for complex geometrical constraints, as well as a custom constraint that leverages LAMMPS’ powerful built-in variable framework. Other new features include variable support for various inputs (e.g. to allow reaction rates or cutoffs to be dependent on overall conversion), on-the-fly update of molecule IDs, and the ability to create new atoms positioned with respect to the reaction site. Applications of these new features are demonstrated for polymeric, thermosetting and composite materials.